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Pizza Casa Tua

The Pizza Casa Tua web app redesign aims to enhance the primary user journey which encompasses easy menu selection and online booking for the business's unique home dining experience. With a focus on simplicity and intuitiveness, the app redesign will present a limited yet carefully curated menu featuring a variety of pizza toppings, appetizers, and desserts.

User Story

As a pizza enthusiast and current app user, I want to be able to build a made-to-order event menu and book the event, so that I can enjoy an authentic gourmet pizza experience in the comforts of my own home.


​Provides by the Client

  • Build a custom menu

  • Select an event date

  • Book the event date

Mood Board

This app aims to convey the essence of Italy where modern elegance meets tradition and authenticity. Designed with a minimalist touch, while infusing the colors of the Italian flag alongside traditional culinary dishes the chosen design direction integrates user experience, with the spirit of Italian cuisine.

Task Flow

The task flow was created to offer an intuitive progression to the task completion, starting from the Home Screen and ending at the option to continue to payment or to save the current menu.

Lo-Fi Wireframes

Low fidelity wireframes focused and implementing the task flows and establishing a clean layout and visual hierarchy.

Hi-Fi Wireframes

High fidelity wireframes were then created to reflect the aesthetic established with the mood board and based on the client's direction for a minimalist app design.

Mood Board.png

click to expand

Task Flow.png

click to expand

Balancing modern with traditional aesthetics and overall feeling

Ensuring that menu and item options did not clutter the layout


By utilizing more minimalist imagery that had a central focus, I was able to illustrate both traditional and modern aesthetics in a more consistent way.

Minimal utilization of text and icons with primary focus on a clean layout and consistent imagery


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